Assist the priest in celebrating the Mass by serving at the altar. Requirements for altar servers:
To sign your child up for altar serving, either call the parish office or provide your information using this link: Altar Server Reg Form
Serve the Church at Mass by proclaiming the word of God at Mass as a reader or by serving as an usher. Contact Mary Peters at 903-429-3414 to volunteer as a reader. To volunteer as an usher, contact Kyle Holloway (English Masses) at 817-822-9096 or [email protected] or Erik Rodriguez (Spanish Mass) at [email protected]
Serve the Church at Mass by preparing the vessels and books used at Mass. Contact Pat Boerner at 940-686-2892 to volunteer as a sacristan.
Responsible for facilitating the worship life of the parish community by coordinating and providing quality liturgical experiences which celebrate and strengthen the membership's journey of faith and help parishioners nurture a love and devotion to their Catholic faith and identity through the liturgy.
Contact our Liturgist, Julia Loza [email protected]